





Jingsu Frisom Fluid Engineering Technology Co.,L. As e gent compny of interntionl first-clss brnd s vlve, meter nd relted products in Chin. ts business covers oil, nturl gs, petrochemicl, chemicl, power plnts nd oer relted industries.

Since e estblishment of e compny, we relized nd lwys committed to e estblishment of loclized technology ppliction support nd fter-sles service to meet e needs of e rpidly developing industril mrket. Through e development of ese yers, our compny hs number of professionl nd technicl personnel, nd hs won wide recognition from customers. Wi e concept of "customer first", e compny's tsk is to constntly forge nd strengen customer reltionships nd provide continuous excellent service for our customers. We re very proud t pst efforts hve helped mny customers estblish close prtnership wi us. Wi e development of Frisom, We believe t we will hve e milestone of e next development.

The vision of e compny is "building prtnership of vlue creting wi customers".


    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2022-03-06
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2022-03-06
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2022-03-06
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2022-03-06
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2022-03-06
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