

公 司 简 介COMPANY PROFIL 北京世纪金帆装饰有限公司:简称DESIGN ONE, 由杨金涛先生于2003年在北京成立。我们的宗旨是针对中国日益增长的国际市场,提供高品质、高标准、负责任的项目服务。杨金涛先生师从日本建筑家六角鬼丈(Kijo Rokaku)先生,DESIGN ONE是由中国设计师和外国设计师组成的国际化设计公司。DESIGN ONE was founded by Yang Jintao in 2003 at Beijing. Our goal is to produce high, notable, quality and responsible projects for our clients, especially for the growing market of China. Yang jintao was taught by Mr. Kijo Rokaku From Japan who is a famous architect, and DESIGN ONE is an international company with both Chinese and foreign staff.DESIGN ONE的服务范围包括:规划、建筑、景观、室内等领域的设计与施工。其丰富的跨国设计与施工经验,能给每一个项目都带来的建筑技术及施工方法。为满足中国各地及各类顾客之需要,我们致力于成为的国际化公司。无论在任何时候、在中国任何地方,我们都能提供的设计及施工服务。DESIGN ONE 多样化的背景和跨国经验使得我们的沟通更为顺畅,能提供给您直接、有效的高品质服务。Our service includes: planning, architecture, landscape and interior for design and construction. We are experienced at cross-border designing and construction area , we can provide each project the most advanced construction techniques and construction methods. To reach the various parts of China and various kinds of customer's needs, we are trying to be a top international companies. At any time, any place in China, we can provide high quality designs and construction services. With diversity background and cross-country experience, DESIGN ONE communicates very smoothly, we can serve you with the most direct and most effective high-quality services.


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