

嘉豪食品,始创于1994年,诞生于伟人故里——广东中山,十多年以来开拓进取,是一家集自主研发、生产、销售调味品、饮料等产品为一体的股份制企业。企业以“嘉豪”为主品牌,餐饮专业市场以“劲霸”子品牌着称,是中国家成功研制并生产青芥辣、超浓缩鸡汁、水果饮料浓浆、辣椒汁、汤皇、牛肉汁等产品的企业。其中劲霸青芥辣和鸡汁自上市以来迅速发展成专业渠道的领导品牌,陈志雄董事长因此被媒体誉为“中华青芥辣之父,鸡汁鼻祖”。 嘉豪产品以其过硬的质量,出色的品质,鲜香味美的特点,深受烹饪界人士和消费者的好评与信赖。产品先后荣获:“国际食品博览会金奖”,“中国保护消费者基金会推荐产品”,“中国十佳美食调味料”,“广东省产品”,“广东省着名商标”,“岭南特色食品”等称号。Guangdong Jiahao Foodstuff Co., Ltd had founded in 1994, located in Sun Zhongshan 's hometown ---- Zhongshan city, Guangdong Province. It is a private enterprise for making professional condiments, passed ISO 9001:2000 certificate. Jiahao Foods base on “Jiahao”and “Jingba” , the Guangdong famous brands, as the main brands. It is the first enterprise successfully produced in wasabi, concentrated fruit drink, chicken sauce and chili sauce in China. Jingba wasabi honored “Notable products in Guangdong” and “Jingba” honored “famous brand in Guangdong”, lead Chinese condiment pany Chairman Mr Zhixiong Chen, crowned one of the top ten famous private entrepreneurs in seasoning industry, he is awarded “The Father of Chinese Mustard” and “Originator of chicken sauce”.


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