

飞凯货架制造厂座落在广东省佛山市南海区大沥洞教工业区,是早从事货架生产的专业厂家。秉承飞凯货架,货架精品这一深入我厂每一员工的企业理念,使我们能从物品存储方案设计,到产品的设计、制造与加工及细心周到的售后安装服务,为客户提供真正经典的工程;长久的合作与良好的友谊,使我们得到了专业物流运输公司的良好服务,便利快捷的物流运输及完整齐全的配套产品和供应商的有力支持,保证了我们能够限度地满足客户的需求,真正做到了让客户满意,让客户放心。我们坚信,客户的参与是我们产品改进与提高的原动力。因此,从方案设计开始,我们就注意倾听客户的要求,力求准确把握客户的意愿,终加工出客户满意的产品。Foshan City Nanhai Feikai Goods Shelf Manufactory, which is located in Yuelisha Development Zone, Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, is the earliest professional factory to manufacture food racks. With the company philosophy of Feikai racks are the best that is deeply in the mind of every staff, we are able to provide real classic projects from storage scheme design to product design, manufacturing, processing and considerate after-sale installation service; long time of cooperation and friendship offers us good and professional transportation service that the convenient and fast transportation, together with complete auxiliary products and supports from suppliers make it possible for us to satisfy the customers to the largest extent, and really make customers satisfied and reassured. We firmly believe that the participation of customers is our motivity to improve our products. Therefore, we always listen to the requirements of customers from the scheme design so as to understand their willingness and finally manufacture products to their satisfaction.二、行业地位及发展前瞻我厂积累多年的行业理论和实践经验,以独到、的存储方案设计及快速灵动的市场反应能力在行业内广受好评。为更好的扩大经营,我厂于2009 年注册了企业商标 ,于2008年获得企业认可质量奖。为完善企业管理,我厂于2010年申请并通过了ISO9001认证。面对新世纪的挑战,我厂锐意改革,勇于创新!肩负使命和责任,在踏实进取,永续经营的经营理念指导下为广大客户提高存放空间,节省存放成本!我们坚信,客户的参与是我们产品改进与提高的原动力。您的需要,是我们前进的动力,您的意见,是我们前进的方向!



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