

价格:面议 2022-02-06 08:45:01 478次浏览









随越来越多的工厂开始复工、市场信心提升,工业气体市场3月份全面回升。Industrial gases markets advanced broadly in March as more factories restarted and sentiment improves.经历了一个多月的封闭隔阻后,国内新冠病毒的扩散在3月份得到了抑制。经济重新成为了关注的中心,为之,国家实施了一系列的货币和财政支持和刺激政策。除湖北外,大多数工厂企业已经复工。但受到员工延期到位和缺人、供应链断损、订单减少以及因其它许多国家为抑制病毒蔓延采取关停和封闭措施后引发全球经济环境不断恶化等因素的影响,生产和贸易恢复常态的进展艰难。虽然需求仍然非常疲软,但由华东和华南率先,工业气体产品的消耗需求出现了缓慢但明确的恢复。After more than a month of shutdowns and lockdowns, the rampage of the novel coronavirus appears to be under check in China in March. Economy is back in focus. And for that, a series of supportive and stimulating monetary and fiscal policy actions has been taken. Except in Hubei, most factories and businesses have reopened. Yet, getting back to normalcy in production and trading has been a difficult journey due to delayed arrivals and lack of workers, interruptions in supply chains, lack of orders and, lately a growingly gloomier global economic environment as a big part of the rest of the world shutters and pauses to contain the spread of the virus. Led by Eastern and Southern China, consumption demand for industrial gas products has slowly but surely recovered, though it remains very soft.华东和其它少数地区的工业气体生产3月份略有增加,除此以外,生产状况的变化不大。Production of industrial gas products expanded slightly in Eastern China and a few other regions but was otherwise little changed in March.主要由于市场信心的提升,外销液氧(LO2)、液氮(LN2)、液氩(LAr),特别是液氩价格3月内明显反弹,但交易量很小。Principally lifted by market sentiment, merchant liquid oxygen (LO2), liquid nitrogen (LN2) and liquid argon (LAr), particularly argon pricing rebounded in March though volume was still very dry.市场表现(数据:e-Gas)(至2020年3月31日)上海:液氩价格收高300元/T(60%)至800/T,但与去年同期相比减少了250/T(23.8%);液氧价格与上月持平,仍为600/T,同比下降250/T(29.4%);液氮亦平收600/T,同比下滑150/T(20%)。Market performance(data: e-Gas) as of March 31, 2020Shanghai: liquid argon closed RMB 300/T (60%) higher to 800/T, but this was 250/T (23.8%) lower if compared to the same time last year; liquid oxygen was flat at 600/T, or 250/T (29.4%) less YoY; and liquid nitrogen price was also unchanged at 600/T, or 150/T (20%) lower YoY.江苏:液氩上行270/T(46.6%)至850/T,同比下降150/T(10%);液氧价格提高100/T(25%)至500/T,同比减少300/T(37.5%);液氮价格小幅攀高20/T(4.4%)至470/T,同比下跌150/T(24.2%)。Jiangsu: liquid argon jumped 270/T (46.6%) to 850/T, or 150/T (15%) less YoY; liquid oxygen climbed 100/T (25%) to 500/T, or 300/T (37.5%) lower than a year ago; and liquid nitrogen edged up 20/T (4.4%) to 470/T, or 150/T (24.2%) less YoY.浙江:液氩走高150/T(18.8%)至950/T,同比降低150/T(13.6%);液氧上升50/T(9.1%)至600/T,同比减少100/T(14.3%);液氮价格跳高100/T(20%)至600/T,与2019年3月末相同。Zhejiang: liquid argon hiked 150/T (18.8%) to 950/T, or 150/T (13.6%) lower YoY; liquid oxygen price improved 50/T (9.1%) to 600/T, or 100/T (14.3%) less YoY; and liquid nitrogen jumped 100/T (20%) to 600/T, the same as at the end of March in 2019.山东:液氩价格增加200/T(40%)至700/T,同比下降200/T(22.2%);液氧上涨200/T(57.1%)至550/T,但同比降低200/T(26.7%);液氮大幅升高250/T(83.3%)至550/T,同比提高了100/T(22.2%)。Shandong: liquid argon rallied 200/T (40%) to 700/T, or 200/T (22.2%) less YoY; liquid oxygen price rose 200/T (57.1%) to 550/T, or 200/T (26.7%) lower YoY; and liquid nitrogen price soared 250/T (83.3%) to 550/T, or 100/T (22.2%) better YoY.华北:液氩收涨250/T(71.4%)至600/T,但同比下降了100/T(14.3%);液氧价格提高200/T(57.1%)到550/T,同比减少200/T(26.7%);液氮价格上升100/T(33.3%)至400/T,同比则有50/T(11.1%)的跌幅。Northern China: liquid argon vaulted 250/T (71.4%) higher to 600/T, or 100/T (14.3%) less YoY; liquid oxygen leapt 200/T (57.1%) to 550/T, or 200/T (26.7%) lower YoY; and liquid nitrogen climbed 100/T (33.3%) to 400/T, or 50/T (11.1%) weaker YoY. e-Gas预期,制造活动的恢复将推动4月份工业气体需求的进一步改善,但由于内外经济较大的不确定性,外销市场将震荡波动。e-Gas expect recovering manufacturing activities to drive further improvement in demand for industrial gases in April, but we see increasing volatilities in merchant markets amid great external and internal economic uncertainties.

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