

价格:10 2024-09-29 06:00:01 1720次浏览



Are you connected to the wiring order of the live work?

正常情况下是不允许带电作业的,但有时某场合下我们又必须带电作业,火线,零线,地线,我们应该先接那条线呢?对于大部分电工来说这是最基本的电工知识,但对一些初学者或太过自信的老电工还是经常接错。我们一 ...JE电机引接线JE电机引出线JE电缆

Under normal circumstances, are not allowed to live working, but sometimes some occasions we must live working, FireWire, zero line and ground, we should pick the line? For most electricians this is the most basic electrical knowledge, but some beginners or too confident old electricians often answer the wrong. We are one...

2018-1-8 16:02

2018-1-8 16:02


Electrical work: a worried "operation ticket"

作为电气作业人员,对操作票或许不会陌生,它是倒闸操作正确性、遵守规程的证据。但是各位电工朋友,按照“操作票”操作就没有问题吗?本文结合一起“按票”开展的倒闸操作造成直流系统电源母线失电的真实案例,和大 ...

As an electrical operator, it may not be strange to the operation ticket. It is the proof of the correctness of the switching operation and the compliance with the regulations. But all the electrician friends, is there no problem to operate according to the "operation ticket"? In this paper, a real case of loss of power bus power bus in DC system is caused by the switching operation of "by ticket".

2018-1-7 18:33

2018-1-7 18:33


The relationship between transformer capacity kVA and motor kW

变压器容量为100-630kVA,电机功率为几-几百kW,kVA为视在功为,kW有功功率,kVAR为无功功率。 有功功率与无功功率平方之和等于视在功率。 他们的关系是: 有功功率=视在功率*功率因素 即P=S*cosΦ。 如一台 ...

The capacity of the transformer is 100-630kVA, the power of the motor is several - hundreds of kW, the kVA is viewed as the work, the kW has the power of active power, and the kVAR is the reactive power. The sum of the active power and the square of the reactive power is equal to the apparent power. Their relationship is that the active power = the power * power factor is P=S*cos =. for example, a...

2018-1-7 17:23

2018-1-7 17:23


Absolute good design, assembly of electric control cabinet wise remark of an experienced person

我们维修电工平时设计或者装配电气控制柜是再普通不过的了,但是关于电气控制柜当中的一些细节问题不知大家有无详细总结过?今天本人根据自身工作经历并吸收其他同行经验融合各种理论知识,略做小结予以分享,不足之 ...

Our maintenance electricians usually design or assemble electrical control cabinets, which are more common. But I don't know if there are details about the electrical control cabinet. Today, in accordance with my own work experience and absorbing the experience of other colleagues, I amalgamated all kinds of theoretical knowledge.

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